Associate Member Organizations

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Current Associate Organizations

  • Advocates for Youth and Health Development
  • African Federation Association – WFM Uganda
  • Atlas
  • Basel Peace Office
  • Center for Development of International Law
  • Centre for United Nations Constitutional Research (CUNCR)
  • CFF Ghana
  • Citizen Development Network
  • City Montessori School of Lucknow
  • Democracy Today: Democracy Today (DT) upholds the fundamental principles of safeguarding and advancing human rights and basic freedoms in the development of Armenia’s democracy.  Our primary focus is on creating a local impact, particularly in rural regions, while adding our voice in partnership with similar mission-driven organizations internationally.
  • Democracy Without Borders
  • Democratic World Federalists
  • Global Redistribution Advocates: Global Redistribution Advocates is an advocacy association for the global redistribution of resources and power. It advocates for widely-supported proposals like a Global Climate Assembly to policymakers around the world.
  • Japanese Parliamentary Committee for World Federalism
  • JEF Europe: Young European Federalists (JEF-Europe) is a transpartisan youth NGO advocating for the creation of a democratic European federation. Founded in 1972, JEF-Europe is an umbrella organisation with national sections, candidate sections and interest groups in more than 30 countries. The JEF network has more than 10,000 volunteers, and is present in more than 250 cities and towns in Europe. The ideals and aims of JEF-Europe originate from the Manifesto of Ventotene. The organisation’s Political Platform and policy resolutions are democratically voted on by JEF’s statutory bodies.
  • Justice Access Point
  • One World – Movement for Global Democracy: One World is a non-governmental, non-profit organization working to promote global democracy and world federalism. We were founded in Jerusalem in 2013, and our main activities are public education and awareness raising about the need for a more democratic global politics. Our most recent project is a series of 25 online video lectures on Global Democracy and Justice that are freely available on YouTube for both individual and group learning. The lectures are also available as podcasts and in our book  Global Democracy: The Key to Global Justice.
  • One World Trust 
  • Rwizi-Network
  • Stichting Mission Lanka
  • Tanzania Peace and Youth Development Centre
  • The Institute for Global Leadership
  • Union of European Federalists
  • Union of European Federalists –  France: The Union of European Federalists – France (UEF France) is the French section of the Union of European Federalists (UEF), a non-governmental and non-profit organization. We are a non-partisan movement dedicated to promoting a democratic and federal Europe, united in diversity, and a federal organization at all levels, from local to global. We campaign for peace and democracy at all levels too: municipal, regional, national, European, global, to propose a radical and different political alternative. We propose a space for transpartisan debate and reflection, and to act within a movement to build an opinion, enrich and disseminate the federalist model, by interacting with elected officials, academics and citizens.
  • Union of European Federalists – Greece
  • Union of European Federalists – Spain
  • Uniting for Peace: Working since 1979, Uniting for Peace is a non-profit organisation devoted to creating and promoting a global culture of peace, nonviolence and poverty reduction. It is a merger of two former organisations, Action for UN Renewal and World Disarmament Campaign. One of our Founders, Philip Noel Baker is a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1959. Many UK Cabinet Ministers and Peers have passionately worked in Uniting for Peace for creating a more peaceful and prosperous world, among them Lord Peter Archer of Sandwell, Lord Frank Judd are two luminaries who were exploring alternative strategies to avoid danger of nuclear warfare and conflicts around the world. And ways to institutionalise peace. At present, Uniting for Peace is working to establish Ministries / Departments for Peace in different countries of the world.
    For further information, please contact Vijay Mehta – He is the Chair of Uniting for Peace, Trustee of Fortune Forum Charity and Board Member and Chair of European GAMIP (Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructure for Peace).
  • World Citizens Association Australia: The World Citizens Association of Australia proposes that a democratic global parliament be created, where global problems can be discussed and settled, laws to protect us all can be established, and people from around the world are able to have a say concerning those great global issues that affect us all. We are associated with a Transnational Working Group, the Coalition for a World Security Community of democratic nations, which is working along the pathway of Uniting the Democracies towards world federation. We are also associated with the Institute for Global Peace and Sustainable Government, which promotes education on global issues, and supports a Model Global Parliament event each year. Finally, we support a Bangladesh Aid Project, to demonstrate our solidarity with the developing world.
  • World Citizen Government (former World Service Authority)
  • Young World Federalists (YWF): We believe that the current system of competitive sovereign countries fails to tackle the global challenges that impact us all. We advocate a new form of global governance, one in which people cooperate to secure their common interest through a democratic world federation.
    ​Founded in 2019, we are part of a movement that goes back nearly a century, and an idea that goes back millennia. We embody the historically broad support for world federalism by welcoming people from across the political spectrum to our movement. While we vigorously debate issues amongst ourselves, we remain united in pursuit of our vision for a better world.