Save-the-date: 22nd March 2024, 15:00 UTC
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Chair: Bob Flax
- Global Redistribution Advocates is an advocacy association for the global redistribution of resources and power. The short-term goal is to have political parties in different countries include global redistribution policies in their platforms, and to have such policies promoted in the public debate. For each policy, we deploy a campaign. Any global redistribution policy supported by a majority of the affected populations is eligible for a campaign. We advocate three such policies: a Global Wealth Tax, a Global Climate Plan, and a Global Climate Assembly.
- Speaker: Adrien Fabre is a tenured CNRS researcher at CIRED (in Paris). He obtained his PhD in 2020 at the Paris School of Economics. His main research is on the political economy of climate policies, though his works span different fields like social choice or resource economics. Besides his academic work, Adrien is also the founder and President of the association Global Redistribution Advocates.
Global Climate Assembly, would be responsible for drafting international treaties against climate change and would represent the world citizens in the international climate negotiations. The assembly would have a consultative role, and leave the responsibility of studying and adopting the treaty proposals to the States.
Each adult in participating countries would have one vote. To ensure the principle of “one person = one vote”, the members of the assembly would be elected by proportional representation on global lists, in a single constituency.
12 lists would be eligible, those obtaining the largest endorsement in a pre-election petition, provided that they obtain more than 1 million signatures. No restriction would be placed on the composition of the lists, except that one person could only appear in one list. Strict campaign finance rules would ensure a fair electoral process (in particular, no donation would be allowed to candidates).
Depending on the country, 71% to 97% of the population supports this proposal, as shown by recent academic surveys over 20 countries (Fabre, Douenne & Mattauch, 2023).