Establishing a sustainability platform and influence network through an expert forum
WFM/IGP is introducing an innovative model to ensure the sustainability of the organization over the long-term while also providing another avenue for governance support.
Through the Forum, up to fifteen influential members from diversified geographic regions, expertise, and sectors, who have either a demonstrated interest in world federalism or an ideological leaning towards the concept of federalism, would commit to contributing or fundraising annually to sustain the organization while also providing advisory to leadership and governance on the direction of the organization, identifying new and innovative ways to make an impact by voting for one Forum member annually to serve on a ‘public’ seat on the Executive Committee.
Each member would:
- Provide core support annually in line with governance policies
- Sign a Memorandum of Understanding committing to a three-year membership and contributing annually either through individual donation or fundraising
- Provide targeted support to projects and towards an endowment for young federalists
These members would provide a consistent level of core support which would help stabilize the organization while it innovates.
Sustaining WFM/IGP’s Advancement and Impact
The Forum will sustain WFM/IGP’s advancement and impact by:
- Supporting WFM/IGP’s strategic pathways and operations.
- Identifying and involving experts in capacity building activities.
- Deepening WFM/IGP’s external relations through introductions to new networks.
- Enhancing WFM/IGP’s ability to create impact through sustained core support.
Membership Profile and Benefits
WFM/IGP will cultivate individuals who meet the following key criteria:
- Capacity – the financial resources to give at the level required
- Connection – has an individual connection to the organization
- Interest – has an interest and propensity to sustain their involvement
The opportunity for potential Forum members includes network access across industries and regions, opportunities for policy discussion and debate, and opportunities to expand their profiles into the area of international relations in a collaborative, impactful and visible way.
To learn more about the Forum or to become a member, please contact us at