Past Projects
Reducing Impunity from the Ground Up: Mobilizing and Deepening Civil Society Advocacy to Promote the Effective Functioning of the ICC and the Rome Statute System
This project was in partnership with the Nigerian Coalition for the International Criminal Court (NCCIC) and sought to promote the universal ratification and implementation of the Rome Statute (RS) and the Agreement on Privileges and Immunities (APIC). The project supported the realization of the principle of complementarity; promoted the effective and efficient functioning of the ICC as a judicial institution; strengthened and promoted robust cooperation and judicial assistance as well as political and diplomatic support between governments, regional, global organizations, and the ICC; and built informed awareness and understanding of, and global political support for, the RS, the ICC and the international justice.
Strengthening Support for Justice in 2019
This project sought to empower those most affected by international crimes—women, youth, and minorities in particular—so that their voices were heard by those with power in the international justice system. WFM/IGP, through its CICC program, worked in partnership with the ICC and the RS system, as well as with its global membership, partner organizations, governments, regional institutions, and the United Nations (UN), to advance the effectiveness, independence, and accessibility of the international justice system and to respond to the most urgent related developments.
Strengthening Capacities of Top Venezuelan Civil Society Organizations and Human Rights Defenders to Better Understand International Justice Mechanisms as a Way to Access Justice in the Case of Serious Human Rights Violations
This project sought to support the creation and capacity building of a coalition of key Venezuelan NGOs and human rights defenders (HRDs) working to document serious human rights violations and crimes under international law.
Amplifying Global South Civil society organisations’ Advocacy in Support of the International Criminal Court
Through this project WFM/IGP worked with civil society organisations from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East and North Africa (the Global South) with the objective of amplifying their voice and impact regarding the key legal, policy and practice reforms that should be adopted and implemented to protect and strengthen the ICC’s effectiveness, independence, fairness and integrity. Under this project, WFM/IGP published research representing the views of civil society organisations from each of these regions in the Global South on key ICC reforms.
Please read the report here.